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The Mediarebell
99 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣- Pandemie führt zu globaler Panik
- China ist Vorbild
- Maskenpflicht überall
- authoritäre Kontrolle auch nach der Pandemie
- Bürger geben bereitwillig ihre Freiheit auf
- breiter Widerstand erst nach 10 Jahren

The Mediarebell
39 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .


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Verborgene Wahrheit
72 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Spannende Neuigkeiten zu den Zahlen aus Schweden

Schweden stand für seinen Sonderweg in der Corona-Zeit sehr stark in der Kritik. Die Negativpropaganda der Presse war allgegenwärtig und die Medien kannten kein Pardon in ihren Berichten über die Entscheidungen der Regierung. Doch wie sah es tatsächlich aus in Schweden?

Was wir erkennen können, wenn wir uns die Zahlen bis Ende 2020 im Detail anschauen, zeigt dieses Video aus der Reihe: "Im Fokus: EUROPA"

Die Folien als PDF-Dokument findet ihr auf meinem Telegram Kanal /

⁣⁣Einleitung / Erklärung zum Gesamtäquivalent, Teil 2: ⁣ Erklärung zum Gesamtäquivalent, Teil 1:⁣

Herzlich willkommen bei Verborgene Wahrheit.Mein Name ist Simone. Auf Verborgene Wahrheit findet ihr ergänzende, klärende Fakten und Hintergrundwissen zur aktuellen Situation, die über die Mainstream-Medien üblicherweise nicht verbreitet oder nur einseitig und undifferenziert dargestellt werden. In dieser turbulenten Zeit ist es aus meiner Sicht jedoch besonders wichtig, die von den "offiziellen Stellen" präsentierten Aussagen, Zahlen und Einschätzungen zu hinterfragen und auch die Ansichten von Andersdenkenden zu hören und wahrzunehmen. Die Beiträge auf dieser Seite emöglichen es allen Interessierten auf diese Weise, das aktuelle Geschehen auch aus anderen Perspektiven zu betrachten.

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The Mediarebell
126 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣Oh nein! Ein Killervirus das nicht killt ?
Warum nur sollte dieses Video gelöscht werden?
Lügen - Pandemie?

The Mediarebell
40 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Get a 9-Day Trial to Spirit Mysteries for only $3, and experience the transformation everyone is talking about!

Welcome to The Nibiru Movie! This is a special edition of The Sumerian Epic which combines the first 3 Episodes into an hour and a half long movie, with an additional 7 minutes of never before seen bonus footage scattered throughout the feature!

The film at its core opens the floodgates of questions regarding the mysterious yet popular “conspiracy theory” of Nibiru, the supposed hidden planet that lurks in the farthest reaches of our outer solar system. It was nearly 50 years ago that the theory of Nibiru first reached the masses through Zechariah Sitchin’s first book “The Twelfth Planet”, which sought to explain that the oldest texts on the planet, the Cuneiform tablets of Sumer, were actually a series of encoded legends describing the origins of our solar system.

Yet, today there is a lot of scrutiny and skepticism towards these ideas, and it’s not without merit, because the man responsible for introducing these theories also has seemed to embellish his stories and interpretations of the tablets quite a bit. Today, the Nibiru movie seeks to dive deep into uncovering the truth, and see if there’s actually any validity to the claims of Nibiru - the missing planet.

Then again, the Nibiru story is not the only theory that seeks to interpret these ancient myths. The Electric Universe Theory also arrives on the scene to provide yet another fascinating explanation of this mythic story, involving our Earth, Mars, and a Brown Dwarf Star. For those wanting to investigate this further, we highly recommend watching the Electric Universe Series, by clicking right here.

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Our mission at Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a sacred space to explore and experience your spiritual journey. Our intention is to share and explore spirituality in an open-hearted way, with respect for all walks of life, honouring that which is beautiful and divine within each of us, nature, and the universe. Spirit Science is about the open-hearted exploration of Science and Spirituality - Free of Dogma or rigid belief systems and doctrines, and the elevation and transformation of human consciousness, as we move into an era of love and light.

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The Mediarebell
47 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
28 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Ramon Zürcher stellt die A.A.S. vor. Die Forschungsgesellschaft für Archäologie, Astronautik und SETI mit dem Magazin SAGENHAFTE ZEITEN. ( Die Grundsätze der Forschung wie Cargo-Kulte und missverstandene Technologien. Er geht auf die Vimanas ein, welche vom Sanskritgelehrten Prof. Dr. Dileep Kanjilal als physische Flug-Geräte in längst vergangenen Zeiten deklariert wurden. Er geht auf die Legenden von antiken Mondbesuchen ein, wie auch den Anomalien in unserem Sonnensystem. Er präsentiert die digitale Plattform und informiert über die aktuellen Recherchen in Griechenland und der ersten anstehenden Unterwasser-Expedition.

Vortrag im Galileo Park, Lennestadt 2019

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York

The Mediarebell
41 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Was mankind visited by aliens in the distant past? This enduring question became the foundation for his widely renowned first work, Chariots Of The Gods. Erich postulated that our planet had been a stopover point thousands of years ago for interstellar visitors who shared futuristic technology with ancient civilizations. Not only is von Däniken convinced that aliens visited Earth in the distant past, but he’s equally certain it will happen again in the very near future.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
45 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Erich von Däniken's theory is the most famous approach to solve the mystery of Nazca. He provides evidence that a long time ago visitors from other stars visited the earth and naturally Nazca. At this place they landed, during the landing stones was blown away by the power of rocket propulsion. By approaching more the power was increasing and the cleaned band broader. In this way, the first trapezes emerged. Later the Aliens disappeared and left confused people. Like in the modern cargo cults they tried to call the Gods back by drawing lines, figures and trapezes. Despite many attributing it to him, Erich has never said the formations were made by Aliens.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
41 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Erich von Daniken has exhaustively researched and analyzed the great world religions, their myths and belief structures, in an effort to find an answer to a question that has fascinated humans for millennia: who, or what were the Gods described in ancient stories?
His extraordinary conclusion? The Gods were not metaphysical beings born of humanity's overactive imagination, but extraterrestrials who left traces of their presence everywhere on Earth.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
27 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Join Erich von Daniken on a journey through the unsolved mysteries of our past. Features astounding theories about alien contact with the Earth from earliest times, updated with new evidence from his research into formerly inaccessible sites.

Why do flying machines and astronauts appear in the artworks and sacred texts of all ancient cultures? What is the meaning of the immense earth drawings, impossible to view from the ground, that can be found all over the globe? How could prehistoric cultures have engraved diorite and other hard rock with such incredible precision without the use of modern tools? Erich draws on his latest research to update his astounding theory that the inhabitants of other planets have kept in contact with humankind since the earliest times.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
86 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Erich von Däniken Rätselhafte Technologien.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York

The Mediarebell
29 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Welcome to Erich von Däniken’s Official YouTube Channel.

From the author of the Memories of the Future, Chariots of the Gods and over 40 subsequent publications, here you will find lectures, interviews, presentations, and documenters in English & German languages.

Bitte abonnieren Sie den offiziellen Erich von Däniken Kanal und teilen Sie ihn mit Ihren Freunden und Bekannten. Wir würden uns auch sehr über ein "Gefällt mir" freuen. Für weitere Informationen über Erich von Däniken, seine Publikationen und bevorstehende Vorträge und Reisen, bitte besuchen Sie

Hier finden Sie Vorträge, Interviews, Präsentationen und Dokumentationen in deutscher Sprache vom weltbekannten Bestsellerautor von "Erinnerungen an die Zukunft", "Zurück zu den Sternen" und über 40 weiteren, weltweit sehr erfolgreichen Publikationen.

The Mediarebell
23 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

There are just too many unanswered questions about our ancient past. But now one of the great explorers of our history, Erich Von Daniken, is pioneering the understanding of the extra-terrestrial influence on our past, in doing so he is helping mankind to understand its beginnings. Erich von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods provoked a worldwide storm of controversy. In this lecture, he produces powerful arguments to support his theory of astronaut gods, with evidence that is difficult to explain any other way. Hear what he has to say with an open mind---and you may find yourself agreeing with him.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
32 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Erich von Daniken. All over the world, there are fantastic ruins and objects that cannot be explained by conventional history, archaeology or religion. Erich von Daniken provides answers to these questions...why do religious texts often refer to Gods who descend from fiery chariots? Why do modern space launch sites look like constructions on the plains of Nazca in Peru? Was God an astronaut?

By looking at human history and the ruins of ancient civilisations with an open mind, Erich von Daniken offers a new solution to these eternal mysteries in Chariots of the Gods. Why, for instance, do the world's sacred books describe Gods who came down from the sky in fiery chariots and always promised to return? How could an ancient Sanskrit text contain an account which could only be of a journey in an alien craft? Compare photographs of American space centre launch sites to the constructions on the plains of Nazca in Peru.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
21 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

The Ancient Indian texts describe strange flying vehicles that had the capabilities of verticle lift and hovering. These strange craft were called Vimana's and there were 12 varied types. Such advanced technologies have been described throughout many ancient civilizations along with evidence that advanced technologies have been utilized in the shaping and precision cutting of stones as well as the manufacture of items that demonstrate a knowledge that should have not been known at that time. Erich von Daniken reveals some of these remarkable discoveries.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York

The Mediarebell
36 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Erich von Daniken - The Pyramid Mystery
Part 1 of 25 Classic TV Show release.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
29 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Erich Von Daniken 2016 Stellar Citizen Award Showcase. Presented by Giorgio Tsoukalos, this prestigious award recognises the achievements of luminaries past and present, who’s body of work made a significant contribution to subjects of alternative science, literature, arts, entertainment, education & enterprise, investigation & research.

2017 Stellar Citizen Award recipient – Linda Moulton Howe
2018 Stellar Citizen Award recipient - Paola Leopizzi Harris
2019 Stellar Citizen Award recipient - to be announced at Awakening UFO & Conscious Life Expo, UK July 19, 2019

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
21 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

How can so many ancient civilizations around the world share similar ideas and visual representations as well the methods of construction? These are just a few of strange discoveries that historians and archaeologists steer around.
Presented by Ramon Zuercher, Erich von Daniken's Official PA & Representative for world-wide tours, speeches and Public Relations
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
33 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Erich paints an alternative theory for much of ancient history that is currently left unexplained or simply vaguely explained with improbable, yet currently accepted, theories. You will see great views of ancient buildings! Why they are there and how they built them in ancient times! Von Daniken will certainly gets the mind thinking outside the box! What if we are descended from aliens, as Erich suggests?

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

Showing 288 out of 289