I migliori video

81 Visualizzazioni · 1 anno fa

⁣Joseph Ladapo, Floridas „surgeon general“, also der oberste Arzt des Bundesstaates – vergleichbar mit der Funktion eines Gesundheitsministers, veröffentlichte im Oktober eine Warnung vor gesundheitlichen Schäden durch die experimentellen mRNA-Präparate. Er informierte konkret über einen erheblichen Anstieg der Meldungen von unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen und über lebensbedrohliche Zustände. Denn die diesbezüglichen Statistiken sind am Explodieren.

Das Recht auf Wahrheit
210 Visualizzazioni · 3 anni fa

Dieses Video wurde uns dankenswerterweise von Christian (vom YouTube-Kanal "Die Blitzgneißer") zur Verfügung gestellt (Quelle: https://youtu.be/BpIvl-O6OJQ) und ist ein kurzer Ausschnitt eines Interviews, das er Anfang Februar 2021 mit Dr. Konstantina Rösch und Dr. Roman Schiessler geführt hat.

9 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

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Hey guys, recently Russia's Federal TV also known as Ren TV aired a program about ancient Indian Technology used in Warangal Fort. I visited Warangal Fort last year and made several videos about it, including how it was a mass manufacturing site and it had employed Rock Melting Technology. The Russian TV has compiled all my videos about Warangal Fort and Ramappa Temple and discussed several aspects of this including how I show tapping on one rock produces different sounds. They have also mentioned the floating rock technology, found in these ancient sites.
Last year, the Russian TV broadcasted my findings about Hoysaleswara Temple - how the pillars were machined, gadgets carved in temples, lathe technology and about various baffling carvings. This year, they have taken up Warangal Fort and Ramappa Temple. Within one year, the brilliance of ancient Indian technology has been aired in TVs in Russia and the US. Thailand national TV also featured a program about ancient India. The crew came to India and documented the carvings I found in Hindu temples.
I did a few interviews on Indian TVs as well, and I even did a demonstration of the ancient Indian battery which is capable of producing electricity. I have explained this battery fully in a different video and I have even made bulbs work with this battery. This is all because of your support, my subscribers have been so supportive of my work and have shared my content everywhere. Many contributors around the world have also given so many translations to my YouTube videos - look at the list of languages people have been translating my videos into, I really appreciate this kind of support and I hope you can also add translations, if you speak a different language.
Now, what is the point of getting all this information broadcasted in TV shows around the world? Mainstream historians and archeologists are painting a picture that ancient civilizations had uncivilized people and they used very primitive technology. All this evidence that we are broadcasting, will expose these lies and show how ancient builders were very sophisticated and used advanced technology, just like what we use today. I will try my best to explore more ancient sites and come up with more information and show you the truth.
I hope you liked this video, I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching, don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates. Please give this video a thumbs up and do share it with your friends and I will talk to you soon.

#Russia #India #Search4Truth

1 Visualizzazioni · 1 mese fa


Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
20 Visualizzazioni · 3 anni fa

Die Osterinsel, von den Einheimischen auch Rapa Nui genannt, ist eine abgelegene Insel in Polynesien und liegt isoliert im südpazifischen Ozean. Berühmt ist die Osterinsel für ihre myteriösen, riesigen, menschlichen Steinfiguren, die Moais.
Jedoch gibt es einen außergewöhnlichen Moai, der sich von den anderen Moais unterscheidet.
Brocken Inaglory, CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/, via Wikimedia Commons

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Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

12 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

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Email id - phenomenaltravelvideos@gmail.com

This is my Patreon account if you like to support me - https://www.patreon.com/PraveenMohan

Hey guys, today I am going to show you the secret Lingams of Angkor Wat Temple, nobody has posted this information anywhere, this is not on YouTube, and this is not even in any book, these lingams have never been observed before.
When you walk around these passages they have a lot of Buddha statues placed all around. Some Buddhas are huge, and some Buddhas are small, and some of them have even been destroyed, and it is said that 108 Buddhas were placed originally all around like this, in this temple. But this is strange because Angkor Wat was originally built as a Hindu temple, and 108 is a sacred number of Hindus, so why would the original builders place 108 Buddha statues here?
Let us examine this mystery, and here you can see this Buddha statue, its head is broken. Now, Buddha is already seated on a Naga, a snake, and he is placed on a pedestal or a base. To a casual observer, there is nothing wrong, but there is something very weird about the base, it does not fit the Buddha at all. You can see that the base is square, and there is a groove, an outlet for the water. "THIS IS THE BASE OF A LINGAM FOR THE WATER." This is the base of a lingam for the water to flow. I have shown you a lot of lingams like this, and how they have these spouts or outlets for water. And look, the Buddha statue is completely separate and it is not even seated on the base properly.
So, where is the lingam? Where is the cylindrical part that once sat on this base? It is sitting right here, you can see a part of the broken cylinder, this was the lingam which originally stood on the base.
And here is another Buddha, this Buddha is much smaller than the base, and you can see the full base of the lingam here, how a lingam would have been originally placed. The cylinder top represents Shiva, and it has been specifically destroyed, and a Buddha has been placed on top, even though it does not fit this base at all.
May be, this is true only for small Buddha statues, what about the Giant Buddha statues placed in Angkor Wat? Look at this one, this Buddha is more than 8 feet tall, has a huge 7 headed naga guarding him, while he is in deep meditation. This is such a fantastic statue that even as a visitor, you want to pay respect to this Buddha. But look at the base. It is obvious that it is not at all a part of the Buddha statue. And you can see this rectangular groove for water outlet. There was originally a lingam here, and when the civilizations changed, the lingams were destroyed, and these Buddha statues were just placed on top of them.
I have examined at least a dozen of these Buddhas, and it is a very interesting modification to watch, when the temple was taken over by a different religion, they just removed the cylinders, but they kept the bases and placed the newer Buddhas on top of these bases. But this is not a very well engineered modification, in almost all cases, the bases look completely different than the Buddhas.
Okay, so you have now seen the 108 lingams inside Angkor Wat temple, But these are not the lingams I wanted to show you, I want to show you the SECRET LINGAMS that have been hiding underground for many centuries.

In 2015, researchers used laser scanning equipment called Lidar attached to low-flying helicopters and scanned the Angkor Wat area. And they were shocked to find a large field full of cylindrical projections hidden around the temple complex. Archeologists are calling them 'Domes' because they are cylindrical structures with nice smooth tops, these are obviously lingams. But it is not just the buried lingams that have stunned scientists, it’s the sheer volume of them. They have found vast fields full of these lingams arranged in grid like fashion, forming a large matrix. Experts confirm that these ancient structures were built around the same time as Angkor Wat temple.

Why were hundreds of these lingams built all around Angkor Wat temple complex? Why did ancient builders build such a large number of lingams both inside and outside the temple walls? These lingams are debunking all mainstream theories. Experts have always argued that there is nothing special about Lingams, they are just statues people built, hoping that others will come and worship these lingams and give donations. But these lingams found by Lidar technology is proving this wrong, if lingams were built only for worship and donations, why would they make these hundreds of lingams in a grid like fashion and place them outside the walls of Angkor Wat? These lingams must have been used for a specific reason.

#Ancienttechnology #Hinduism #PraveenMohan

39 Visualizzazioni · 3 anni fa

⁣Bildet euch eure Meinung über diese verblödete Teletubbie-Grüne

66 Visualizzazioni · 4 anni fa

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38 Visualizzazioni · 3 anni fa

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Marco Sever
43 Visualizzazioni · 3 anni fa

Angemeldete Demonstration in Graz 2021 am 09.01.

MediaRebell Dev2
295 Visualizzazioni · 4 anni fa

Offentsichtliche Wiedersprüche sind das beste Erkennungszeichen für Lügen!

4 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

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This is my Patreon account if you like to support me - https://www.patreon.com/PraveenMohan

Hey guys! In the previous episode, the tribes in the forest told me I could learn more about the Nagas or Valaiyar if I could find a giant split rock within a 100 mile radius. They had heard about the split rock from their ancestors, from their previous generations, but they had no idea where this is actually located. I could find several giant split rocks around the world, when I performed a google search but I could not find anything online, within the 100 miles radius from Javvadhu hills. So I am going to have to start searching, by physically exploring the 100 mile radius.
The search is taking me far and wide, I am exploring some of the very remote parts of the world, where there is nothing, no trees, no buildings and no human population. Will I find this giant split rock somewhere here? I see no trace of any rock nearby. I have been searching for many days and then I stumbled on something very interesting. Remember the tribes referred to the beings as Valaiyar? There are places named after the Valaiyar, there are 2 villages called Kilvaalai and Melvaalai, and people claim that the Gods, the Valaiyar began their first contact and communication with humans here, and set up these 2 villages.
This is the village of Kilvalai, and locals say that the split rock is located somewhere here in this rocky area. They refer to the split rock as Rathakal which means 'Blood Stone' in Tamil Language and tell me a strange story which I will tell you in a minute. And then suddenly, in a distance, I see a gigantic rock cut in half, split as though by divine intervention. There is no doubt that this is the rock the tribes were talking about . More importantly, we can see a metal fence in the middle of nowhere at the base of the rock. This is a good sign. Something important must be there, this is why they have put a large fence around it.
Of course, geologists will claim the rock split by natural means, but is it really a natural occurrence? Or are we simply convincing ourselves that it is natural because it is impossible for human beings to do this? Was it split using some kind of advanced technology, by the Valaiyar or Nagas? If we look at it from the top, it looks like a clean cut, as though somebody cut a loaf of bread into 2 halves, it must have been so easy to do this. The cut looks so smooth, it is unlikely the split happened by natural means. It is a very unique experience to walk in between these giant split rocks, I can't explain it with words. From the ground, the rock looks truly gigantic, it can be used as a shelter, a place to rest or sleep. I feel like an ant stuck between 2 slices of bread. Was it some kind a safe keeping place to hide from others or for doing secretive things?
This whole structure is about 50 feet tall and 60 feet wide, the 2 pieces look like wings of a large bird. The villagers have strange stories about them. They call this blood stone, because they claim there is a secret opening at the top of the rock, which is covered by a rock lid and blood oozes out of this opening from time to time.
If we observe the rock closely, we can see that it does seem to have traces of reddish liquid, it almost looks like engine oil. Rocks do hold water and sometimes release the water along with other particles, which is probably why locals think it is blood and call it blood stone. But what is surprising is that, there is something on top which looks like a lid covering an opening. The problem is, there is no way villagers could have climbed this and seen what is on top. I am able to show you this because I use a drone. How do the locals know about this lid even though they have never seen it? More importantly, how do the tribes who live in Javvadhu hills, who have never come out of the forest know about the split rock?

#AncientAliens #India #RockArt

16 Visualizzazioni · 7 mesi fa

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138 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

⁣Es kommt alles ans Tageslicht. Wer aber meint, es immer noch besser zu wissen als die renommiertesten Wissenschaftler, dem ist wirklich nicht mehr zu helfen.

Das Recht auf Wahrheit
131 Visualizzazioni · 3 anni fa

⁣⁣⁣Am 4. August 2021 fand beim ORF-Zentrum am Küniglberg eine Demo mit dem Titel: "Gegen die Impfpropaganda für die Kinder! Kinderrechte dürfen nicht an eine Impfung gekoppelt sein!" statt - hier eine weitere Rede von unserem Freund Yasin.

⁣Wer unseren Freund Yasin, der durch Repressionen seitens des Staates von sämtlichen Ansprüchen und Einkommensmöglichkeiten abgeschnitten ist, bei seiner Arbeit unterstützen möchte, hier seine Kontodaten:

Yasin Schwarz
IBAN: AT45 1200 0100 1838 4791

PS: Ein Danke natürlich auch an all' unsere Abonnenten und all' jene, die durch das Teilen unserer Videos zur Verbreitung selbiger beitragen.

Hier noch einige Links von uns:

Jetzt auch auf Telegram: https://t.me/dasrechtaufwahrheit

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Link zur Aktivistengruppe von Yasin: https://t.me/DEMASKED

86 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

Biowaffenverträge aufgedeckt: Pfizer verdient Milliarden aus EU Tyrannenmandaten

-Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass der Kongress im Jahr 2020 in Panik geriet und dass Big Pharma diese Panik ausnutzte, um unglaublich ausbeuterische Gesetze zu ihren Gunsten zu verabschieden. Dank des Kongresses sind Pfizer und Moderna zu 100% immun gegen die Haftung für Menschen, durch ihre Impfstoffe verletzt oder getötet wurden. Es sind nicht nur Amerikaner, sterben auf diese Weise betrogen werden. Dr. Jane Ruby ist zurück. Diesmal will sie über den noch nicht revidierten Vertrag zwischen Pfizer und der Europäischen Union sprechen.


89 Visualizzazioni · 3 anni fa

⁣Der junge Mann hat bereits auf mehreren Demos in Deutschland gesprochen.


Mein Alternativ Kanal: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Klardenker-Kanal/

181 Visualizzazioni · 2 anni fa

⁣„Heute ist klar, dass sich unsere Befürchtung bewahrheitet hat. Jetzt ist es 5 Minuten vor Mitternacht.“ Mit dieser wachrüttelnden Erkenntnis kam Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi zur „Better Way Conference“ nach Wien. Im AUF1-Gespräch mit Vivien Vogt bittet er seine Ärztekollegen erneut eindringlich darum, die gefährlichen und genverändernden mRNA-Impfungen nicht mehr zu verabreichen und die Leute auf die Gefährlichkeit aufmerksam zu machen. „Stoppt diese mRNA-Impfung, weil die WHO und die Experten auf der Welt wollen diese Impfung für die Kinder bereits im ersten Jahr einführen.“

Showing 202 out of 255