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The Mediarebell
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Erich von Däniken Bibel auf dem Reissbrett

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York

The Mediarebell
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Erich von Daniken wird in tiefster Nacht vor blutgierigen Insekten befreit.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Wie Erich von Daniken in Peru zwei Landsleuten die Hochzeitsreise rettet.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

The Great Pyramid of Giza is perhaps the most significant, complex construction on our planet and is closely guarded by the Egyptian government. Researchers like Erich von Daniken is aware that there is still much to be discovered within the Great Pyramid such as secret entrances, mysterious shafts and blocked off rooms. Whatever lies within may have incredible historical importance.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York

The Mediarebell
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Erich von Däniken wurde vom Hangar18b-Team interviewt und erklärt seine Sicht zu vielen hochinteressanten Themen, wie: - den Zeitgeist - UFOs - Kornkreise - Klimawandel/CO2 - Edgar Mitchell (6. Mann auf dem Mond) - die Wissenschaft - Journalismus - Mars/Ceres- Mischwesen - Geheime Höhlen - Puma Punku - und vieles mehr. Eine spannende Mischung

With Special Thanks to HANGER 18b YouTube Channel -

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

NEW - Erich von Daniken Portugal Event 2020
with special thanks to: Ivan Dias, the organiser of the event, Portugal
& Erich von Daniken Foundation, Switzerland

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

The Mediarebell
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Erich von Däniken, one of the best-selling authors of all time and regarded by many as the father of the ancient alien theory, continues his mission to uncover Earth's ancient past. There is much to explain about our past, Erich looks at everything from Sumeria to Ancient Egypt and explains in detail what the clues are telling us.

Extraterrestrial visitors left their unmistakable traces on our planet thousands of years ago and luckily we have someone here who can help us understand exactly what happened.

Mounting evidence is becoming more difficult to ignore and refute. It is little wonder that this genre has become more prolific.

EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Es gibt immer noch unzählige ungelöste Rätsel auf der ganzen Welt, da es viele ungeklärte Orte gibt, deren Ursprung unbekannt ist. In diesem Video zeigen wir euch faszinierende antike Orte, die den Experten derzeit noch Rätsel aufgeben und die womöglich noch viel älter sind, als von der offiziellen Geschichte angegeben.


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Music from the gigantic epic day after tomorrow, epic intro 2018
Licence: CC BY + (

Music from: Musik: space ambience by Alexander Nakarada

Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz


Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Die Maya-Hochkultur ist der Protagonist der mysteriösesten und rätselhaftesten Fragen der Geschichte.
Die monumentalen Bauwerke und die Kultur der Maya haben Liebhaber antiker Wunder in Staunen versetzt und das Interesse von Suchenden nach unserer wahren Vergangenheit weltweit geweckt.
Diese wundervolle und unbekannte Zivilisation faszinierte den Architekten, Schriftsteller und Entdecker Robert B. Stacy Judd, der zu einem Experten und leidenschaftlichen Kenner der Maya-Architektur wurde und ihn zu mehreren Expeditionen in Zentralamerika auf der Suche nach ihrem Vermächtnis veranlasste.


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Musik: The Voyage von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert.

Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Wer waren die Etrusker, wo kamen sie her und wie sind sie verschwunden?
Es gibt verschiedene sowohl alte als auch modernere Theorien, die versucht haben, das Geheimnis dieses Volkes, das vor etwa 900 v. Chr. aufkam, zu lösen.
Das Gebiet von Etrurien erstreckte sich über einen großen Teil der heutigen Toskana (Italien) und war in verschiedene Städte aufgeteilt. Es gab keine politische Union, ihre Kultur ähnelte aber einer solchen.


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Music: Temple of the manes von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert.

Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Es gibt ein rätselhaftes Schwert, welches zu den berühmtesten Wikingern- Schwertern des frühen Mittelalters zählt. Legendär wurde es unter dem Namen „ULFBERHT-Schwert“ und gilt als die Hightech-Waffe des Frühmittelalters.

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Musik: Moorland - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Bildmaterial: Wikimedia

Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

2018 wurde in der Savanne von Caatinga, einer Landschaft im Nord-Osten Brasiliens, eine gigantische, 4.000 Jahre alte monumentale Siedlung der besonderen Art entdeckt. Sie erstreckt sich über ein riesiges Gebiet, das der Fläche von Großbritanniens entspricht, welches sogar aus Satelliten-Perspektive erkennbar ist. Die Forscher gehen von etwa 200 Millionen nahezu baugleichen Termitenhügeln, die sich über 230'000 Quadratkilometer erstrecken, aus.

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Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Die US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin und Politikerin Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins schrieb 1882 ein Buch mit dem Titel „Leben unter den Paiute“ - „Life Among the Paiutes“. Die Kultur der Paiute bewahrt für sich noch immer die Fähigkeit Tiere zu verzaubern, obwohl nur wenige über eben dieses Wissen verfügten, wie zum Beispiel ihr Vater, der Häuptling der Paiute „Old Winnemucca“ sowie ihr Bruder.

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Musik: The Pyre, Heros`s Theme - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Die Hunnen erschienen erstmalig im vierten Jahrhundert in Europa und werden von dem römisch-gotischen Geschichtsschreiber Jordanes aus dem 6. Jahrhundert in seinem Werk Getica erwähnt. Er behauptet, dass es sich bei den Hunnen, um ein teuflisches Volk handelt, welches von Hexen und Dämonen abstammt.Man sagt, dass Attila – der König der Hunnen, ein magisches Schwert besaß. Dieses diente ihm jedoch nicht nur als militärische Waffe.Der große Eroberer glaubte nämlich, dass jenes Schwert vom Kriegsgott Mars stammte. Er war davon überzeugt, dass er der Auserwählte war und damit alle Schlachten gewinnen konnte.

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Musik: Skye Cuillin - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Bildmaterial: Wikimedia

Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Nur 25 Meteoriten treffen jährlich auf festen Boden und nur extrem wenige von diesen schlagen in der Nähe besiedelter Gebiete ein.
Daher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit ein solches Ereignis mit eigenen Augen zu sehen ziemlich unwahrscheinlich.
Aus diesem Grund dachte man in der Vergangenheit, wenn man einen Meteoriten am Himmel sah und vielleicht sogar den Einschlag mitbekam, dass es ein übernatürliches Ereignis ist. Das Werk einer unbekannten großen Macht. So könnte die Verehrung der „Himmelsfelsen“ einiger Religionen, Kulte und Völker entstanden sein.
Manchmal werden sie als eigenständige Götter angesehen und andere Male als Zeichen eines guten oder schlechten Omens gedeutet.
In diesem Video werden wir über verschiedene dieser Ereignisse, die sich auf der ganzen Welt ereignet haben, berichten.


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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt

Musik: Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.

Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz

Verborgene Geheimnisse TV
3 Vues · 3 années depuis

Hier zeigen wir euch einen kleinen Trailer von unserer Reise nach Ägypten. Wir haben einige seltsame Dinge gesehen, die wir euch in den nächsten Videos zeigen möchten.

3 Vues · 3 années depuis

⁣Ein Ungleichgewicht im Hormonhaushalt kann uns Frauen während der Wechseljahre so einige Sorgen bereiten und uns in unserem normalen Alltag deutlich behindern. Gereiztheit, Nervosität, Depression, Erschöpfung und Schlafstörungen sind häufig anzutreffende Beschwerden, die das Leben so richtig mies machen können. In diesem Podcast geht es um Möglichkeiten der Prävention und Linderung dieser Symptome.

Weitere Informationen über mich und meine Webinare & Coachings unter:

Hinweis: Die in diesem Podcast gegebenen Informationen und Empfehlungen ersetzen keine ärztliche oder therapeutische Behandlung.

3 Vues · 2 années depuis

Hey guys, I appeared on Ancient Aliens TV show in History channel a few weeks ago. This episode was called "Shiva the Destroyer" episode 15, season 11. In this show, we talk about the Hindu God Shiva and specifically the Lingam which people think of as a ****ual symbol in the western world. People think that the cylinder represents the male ****ual organ and the groove to be the female ****ual organ. But in this show, you can see how Shiva could be a symbol of unlimited energy. I also talk about how Kailasa Temple could have been built with devices mentioned in Hindu texts.
And I apologize for not letting you guys know, I didn't even know about this until this Tuesday . This was filmed in April and I did not know the exact air date. I totally missed the bus on this, because I have been researching in very remote areas of India where there is absolutely no internet, most of the times even the cell phones don't work. These caves have never been visited before, It is almost impossible to get there. And I have been roaming around in this valley for a few weeks now, finding lots of interesting information and I have been experimenting on ancient Indian chanting techniques inside these caves and recording the effects. There seems to be some strange connection between these sounds and the moon phases, So I had to be here on certain dates. So, again I apologize for not letting you guys know about this on time. I specifically wanna thank everybody who subscribed to me, and loved me, because you guys have encouraged me to publish a book, to travel into totally new areas, and now appear on TV. So, thanks a lot for everything, and if you are new to this channel, I am Praveen Mohan and I will talk to you soon. Bye. Follow Me on:

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#Ancientaliens #India #Historychannel

3 Vues · 2 années depuis

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This is the strangest cave in Ellora cave complex, commonly called "The Evil Cave" by locals. In the first part of the video, we'll take a look at how both archaeologists and historians are completely wrong, and in the second part I'll show you some shocking evidence that confirms some horrifying stories of abduction and even torture that are told by the locals about this cave.

This is cave number 1 and the official story told by archaeologists and historians is that this is a Buddhist cave, but there is one small problem. It is not a Buddhist cave at all. For a place to be a Buddhist temple or a monastery, it has to have either a statue of Buddha or a stupa and this cave has no sculptures or symbols whatsoever. In fact, this is the only cave out of 34 caves in Ellora, that does not have any Deities carved at all. Archaeologists think that this could be one of the first caves carved in this area, but are baffled because they don't know the actual purpose of this cave.

The second reason why this cannot be a Buddhist cave is because, they found this sacrificial altar in the middle of this cave's hallway. This large stone is used for animal or even human sacrifices, where you would basically place someone's head and chop it off as an offering. These sacrificial stones called Bali Peetam are still found in many places in India. I think we can all agree that there is no way that Buddhist monks would kill animals and human beings as offerings to Buddha.

And it is not just me saying that this is not a Buddhist cave. You can see a lot of Buddhist monks who visit these caves from all over the world, and they just shake their heads because it looks nothing like a Buddhist shrine or a monastery. I have seen plenty of Buddhist pilgrims bombarding the tour guide with questions that he simply can't answer.
Archaeologists understand that they are on shaky grounds, so they have put up a plaque like this. It basically says that it is possible that it was built as a home for stone-cutters, but was later used by Buddhist monks. I am not going to question the logic behind building a home that could have taken half a century to make. I am not even going to ask how more than 1200 stone cutters were accommodated in these 8 small cells. But let's take a look at the floor inside one of these homes used by stone cutters. As you can see, the floor is so bad that it would be impossible to sleep inside this small chamber. Some people might argue that these monks and stone cutters were primitive people who lived 1500 years ago. They probably could have managed to sleep on these floors.

This is an actual sleeping place used by Buddhist monks and stone cutters, which is found in another cave nearby. They didn't just make a smooth bed out of a rock, but they also made a pillow to go with it that would last for 1500 years. Even today, all you need is warm blanket and you will fall asleep on this bed. So, if this cave was not built as a Buddhist temple and if it wasn't used as a residence by anybody, what could be the real purpose of this cave?

So I began asking the local people about this mysterious cave. They refer to it as "Dush Kuha" which means "an evil cave" and believe that people and animals that enter this cave at night are abducted into a different world. They also claim that many of their ancestors were tortured and subjected to some kind of strange experiments by these other world creatures in this cave. Of course, it just seems like a baseless, vicious rumor but I'll show some interesting evidence that confirms these strange stories.

Now, you can see a lot of strange holes carved on this wall. But if you take a closer look, these are not just holes but are clamps made out of solid rock. I could put a rope through this and tie anything or anyone to the wall. Were these clamps used to tie human beings up? This accurately matches with what the locals claim. In fact, one of them told me that people were tied upside down from these walls. This is also possible, because some of these clamps are situated at 12 feet from the floor. What else could be the purpose of these strange clamps located at such heights?

Was this cave used for experiments, torture and murder? What do you think? I hope you liked this video and please do let me know your opinion. Also, I am finding a lot of intriguing places like this, so please subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching and talk to you soon.

Please visit for intriguing and interesting places on the planet.

#Ancientaliens #India #Caves

3 Vues · 2 années depuis

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This is the Konark Sun Temple in India, and I am going to show you a sculpture that flies in the face of mainstream history. Historians claim that Africa had no connection with India until Vasco Da Gama reached India in 1498.

But look at this carving, it clearly shows a Giraffe on the left side and all its legs, body and long neck are shown with remarkable accuracy. Notice how even its face, the ears and even its long tail are carved perfectly depicting a real giraffe. This is incredible, because Giraffes are found only in Africa, and this temple was built no later than 1250 A.D. And Giraffes are not found in Egypt, where we know advanced civilization existed, but are found far down south in the African continent. According to historians Vasco Da Gama was the first person to ever visit India from Africa. They claim that he had briefly explored Africa, before reaching India in 1498. How is an African Giraffe accurately carved at least two hundred and fifty years before Vasco Da Gama's arrival to India?

Let us to take a good look at the entire carving. It clearly shows an Indian King sitting on an Elephant on the left side. You can even see another person sitting in front of him who controls the elephant. On the right side, you can side several people wearing long skirts standing on the ground. The clothing and the faces are carved distinctly different from other Indian sculptures, to show that they are African people. It also looks like they are lifting a few other people who are giving something to the Indian King. On the far right you can see the Giraffe, and a young boy sitting on it, while there is bystander watching this entire scene. All this happens under a tree that has very large flowers, almost the size of an elephant's head.

Did this meeting happen while an Indian King was traveling to Africa? It's less likely because the sculptor who carved this, would have not have seen it. It's much more likely that African travelers visited India way before Vasco Da Gama, which is not mentioned in anywhere in History. And whether this journey took place through land or water, it is truly a remarkable feat to bring a Giraffe alive through such a long trip.
So, now we know that India was connected to Africa, centuries before what the history claims. It also proves that ancient Africans had a very advanced civilization that was capable of making journeys to other continents. Is it possible that ancient Africans and Indians had established trade routes between continents? Thanks to the Indian sculptor for carving such an accurate scene, because without this we would just be depending on mainstream historians.

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#Ancientcivilizations #India #History

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