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Das Recht auf Wahrheit
55 Lượt xem · 1 tháng trước kia

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Am 13. April 2024 fand wieder die „Impfopfer-Galerie der Aufklärung“ - eine Freiluft-Ausstellung zum Thema Impfopfer auf der Mariahilfer Straße in Wien statt - hier ein paar Eindrücke von der Veranstaltung.

Vielen Dank an Tina, die für uns diese Aufnahmen gemacht hat.

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16 Lượt xem · 26 ngày trước kia


Das Recht auf Wahrheit
530 Lượt xem · 3 năm trước kia

PRIMUM NON NOCERE - Zuerst nicht schaden! In diesem Video klärt Dr. med. Günther Riedl über die Risiken der "Corona-Impfung" auf.

408 Lượt xem · 1 năm trước kia

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Bitte diesen YouTube Kanal Abonnieren - Danke das MediaRebell Team.

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Hey guys, I am at one of the largest prehistoric megalithic sites in India. This is a hill near a remote village called Hire Benakal in Southern India, a very mysterious place which has hundreds of strange stone structures built on top of the hill. Even though archeologists say these are prehistoric structures built around 5000 years ago, local people insist that these structures were not created by human beings and were built much earlier in time. They say these huge structures, which number in the hundreds, were built by a race of extraterrestrials called Moryar who visited us from another planet. Locals say the Moryar were only 2 feet tall and were responsible for teaching human beings various arts and sciences.
Locals usually don’t visit this site due to fear of disrespecting the Moryar, but this gentleman has decided to help me. Archeologists and historians also don’t visit this hill for a different reason: Bears. This is fresh bear poop and I don’t have bear spray. He tells me there are at least 3 dozen bears on the hill, and we should go back as soon as possible, but I insist on staying because there is something very mysterious about these mushroom like structures.
How were these structures built? You can see how these rocks have been sliced into thin slivers. The roof of these houses are nearly 12 feet long, but only 2 inches thick. How did ancient men slice these rocks into thin slivers, without breaking them? Even today, this is not possible without metal tools. How were they able to lift these massive rocks and balance them onto these thin slices like playing cards? And how did they transport thousands of these rocks from a different place?
The larger stone structures are about 8 feet tall, tall enough for human beings to enter, but look at these smaller ones. The entire structure is less than 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide, too small for anyone to fit in. This one is 4 feet tall, but the entrance is just 1 feet in diameter. How could a person of normal size get inside this small hole? And how were these circular holes made without metal tools?
Archeologists claim that these structures are not houses, but tombstones. They say these stones were erected on top of dead people, to remember them. However, archeology reports also confirm that they could only find animal bones and no human bones were ever found in this area. If this entire place was used for burial, we should have already found hundreds of skeletons or at least a few human bones. How is this possible? And even more important, they have not found any metal tools. If human beings built these structures as tombstones, why did they spend their lifetimes slicing these rocks with primitive stone tools?
The truth is, experts know very little about this place. They don’t even know the original name of this place, but locals call it ‘Moryar Thatte’. The word Moryar refers to the race of extraterrestrials and the word Thatte means a saucer or a plate in Kannada, which is the language of the state. These people call this place Moryar Thatte because they claim that extraterrestrials landed here in a flying saucer. This is incredible, because in my previous video I showed you the cave paintings clearly depicting the flying saucer and astronauts in a place called Onake Kindi. This site is just 15 miles from those cave paintings. Even more important, villagers around the cave paintings also refer to this specific painting as Moryar Thatte, which explicitly tell us that this was a flying saucer.

#UFO #Ancientaliens #India

3 Lượt xem · 1 ngày trước kia

⁣.......guess which robot mannequins is pregnant....... you can see...experience teaches......

3 Lượt xem · 1 ngày trước kia


132 Lượt xem · 1 năm trước kia

⁣Donnerstag, den 1. Dezember 2022, um 20 Uhr
Vielleicht habt Ihr die letzten öffentlichen Auftritte von Sucharit Bhakdi gesehen, wo er Euch noch nie zuvor Gesagtes mitgeteilt hat. Wer es nicht gesehen hat, findet entsprechende Links auf unserer Klardenken TV Telegram-Seite.
Je mehr Wissen wir erlangen, desto mehr Fragen entstehen plötzlich. Ich möchte gerne Nachfragen an Prof. Bhakdi stellen. Wie findet das ganze Wissen in der Praxis Anwendung? Wie verbinden wir all dieses Wissen miteinander?

274 Lượt xem · 10 tháng trước kia

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133 Lượt xem · 3 năm trước kia

⁣Jetzt in Deutsch!!!!
👁 Dr. Franc Zalewski: Aluminiumhaltige Lebensformen in Impfstoffen unter dem Mikroskop‼

Nichts für Geimpfte!
Offenbar gibt es verschiedene Zusammensetzungen der Impfstoffe, hierbei wurde von Dr. Franc Zalewski festgestellt, dass Phiolen dabei sind, die nur Kochsalzlösung beinhalten und sonst nichts. In anderen Phiolen wiederum finden sich eigenartige Lebensformen, die sich aus Eiern bilden und aussehen wie ein Kopf mit 3 Beinen, bestehend auf Aluminium und Kohlenstoff. Wäre der Kopf 2mm groß, dann wären die "Beine" (Streifen) 25 Meter lang. In einer von 3 Proben war es zu finden.

Wenn man die Injektion auf der nackten Schale testet passiert nichts und die Eier können nicht gefunden werden, anders jedoch wenn sie auf Graphit-Band getestet werden, weshalb u.a. im Impfstoff Graphen enthalten ist., es nährt die Eier, so Dr. Zalewski.
(Graphen [Grafeen])

Bodenständige Vogelperspektive
63 Lượt xem · 2 tháng trước kia

⁣Björn Eybl (Autore e terapista) e Roberto Nicolini (Traduzione) presentano in una breve intervista il libro bestseller "Le cause animiche delle malattie", secondo le 5 Leggi Biologiche della Natura, scoperte dal Dott. Ryke Geerd Hamer.

794 Lượt xem · 3 năm trước kia

Rede von Dr. Heinrich Fichtner auf der Demo in Berlin Brandenburger Tor am 05.04.21. Leicht gekürzt. Ich weise nochmals in diesem Zusammenhang darauf hin, dass die Reden nicht (immer) meine persönliche Meinung wiederspiegeln. Als Zeitdokument werden diese jedoch von mir veröffentlicht.

3 Lượt xem · 15 ngày trước kia


23,994 Lượt xem · 4 năm trước kia

Das RKI gibt es zu. Es wird nicht zwischen Menschen unterschieden die an oder mit Corona verstorben sind. Auch in Italien wird diese Unterscheidung nicht gemacht. Zudem gilt man als Corona-Toter immer dann, wenn ein positiver Abstrich gemacht worden ist. Somit kann man sich vor den Zug werfen, mit einem positiven Corona-Test gilt man als Covid-Toter. Es wird manipuliert bis zum geht nicht mehr...

12 Lượt xem · 22 ngày trước kia

⁣Bald kommt der „Digitale Euro“ und das Bargeld wird für immer Geschichte sein (Christine Lagarde)

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